Hey GGUAMA members! In case you missed the VALS presentation by David Sleeth-Keppler, here are some highlights:
Issues marketing professionals face:
· Businesses have great products to offer, but marketers are sending the message to the wrong consumer.
· The turnover rate in brand management is very high (brands change their images all the time).
· How can marketers craft the right message and get it to the right people?
Why do these issues persist?
· There’s a lot of diversity among people, and it’s hard for marketers to keep track of people’s activities and preferences.
o Marketing guru provides insights to different types of consumers.
· Brands have different personalities:
o Brands that are energetic and exciting make it in American market, and marketing gurus encourage their clients to create exciting brands.
o However, statistics show that only 12.7% of consumers want excitement, and 22% want energetic brands. Thanks a lot, gurus!
· There’s a disconnect between facts about what consumers want and the fiction that marketers believe. This is why marketers need good data in order to make good decisions.
Solution: develop specific markets for their products/services.
Segmentation: smaller chunks of the market, easier to control, more manageable. There are different types of segmentation, which will be covered later in the presentation.
· These segments are identified by similarities shared by consumers within the market. Consumers in a particular group maintain similar interests and behave more like each other in comparison to the rest of the country.
· Key to segmentation: know what you’re selling.
o Marketers must analyze product characteristics and find consumers for whom the product is a good fit
o By knowing your product (value proposition, what’s good about your product) you can predict which group of consumers may be interested in the product.
o Marketers can develop the right message to convey about the product by knowing the right information to talk about.
o Marketers cannot assume that the product has a universal appeal.
Developing the markets (segmentation):
· Three steps:
1. Identify the benefits derived from a product and purchasing barriers, which vary from person to person.
2. Target identification must be based on understanding your audience.
3. Advertising the product to the desired audience.
*ISSUE: Marketers may follow step 1 and 2, but the message does NOT get to the right people (step 3) because there is a disconnect between businesses (who understand their products) and ad agencies (who execute creatively based on a loose focus on what the product is all about)
· Useful/effective segmentation should:
o Describe groups of people
o Estimate the sizes of these segments
o Cover population of interest (your product hasn’t reached everyone you want to cover)
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