Do you have any powerful insights that other Marketing Club members might find interesting? Publish your thoughts on our blog! Contact the PR Team at if you're interested.
We are looking for student authors who will contribute thought provoking posts to our blog. We want to develop valuable content for our members, and we know you are dying to show-off what you learned from your latest case studies! Please share your analysis of marketing trends, strategies, or any other relevant topic of interest you may have. Books, tweets, Facebook campaigns: As long as it's related to marketing, it's fair game!
Some examples are listed under the About GGU AMA Blog tab, but don't be afraid to stray from this list.
As a member of GGU AMA Marketing Club, you are highly encouraged to contribute to our blog posts. Remember, this is an opportunity for you to contribute to the Marketing Club and showcase your talent as a writer and a critical thinker in the marketing field!
If you are interested in contributing, please email the PR Team at!